Wellness Programs
Encourage employees to implement healthy habits with the goal of saving money on health insurance premiums and higher productivity. HRinDemand provides the tools needed to implement a successful program, including:
- Wellness Program Policy and Procedure that provides direction in implementing and maintaining a successful program.
- Training for the company Wellness Program Coordinator.
- Monthly health seminars for employees.
- Guidance on coordinating with insurance carriers to take advantage of cost savings.
As a company that’s growing both organically, and through geographic expansion, it’s vitally important that we attract and retain great people. Involving HRinDemand early and directly in our candidate evaluation process yields a superior candidate slate for JSC. And, we consistently hear that the interface with HRinDemand enhances the image of JSC for our applicants. HRinDemand also provides us with valuable guidance on employment matters to ensure that we are compliant with the evolving regulatory landscape.