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featured image showing a businessman stressed out with his head down on the table. Crushed paper is surrounding him.

Managing Employee Burnout During These Unpredicted Times

Now in month 6 of a global pandemic, most employees- from entry-level to senior executives- are feeling stressed and burned out. Burnout, which is chronic, often occurs when there is no “end in sight” of the stressor. Some stress management strategies such as traveling, concerts or socializing in large groups are no longer possible due to the pandemic. How can you help your employees manage their stress and burnout during these unpredicted times?

  • If possible, allow employees to take time off from work. If a full day off is not possible, allow employees a partial day or even extra time on their lunch breaks.
  • Get outside! Start a “walking club” on lunch break where employees can socialize with their coworkers about non-work-related things.
  • Encourage employees to seek mental health services through insurance or your company’s Employee Assistance Program.
  • Setting goals is helpful in feeling ownership and ‘in control’ of a situation even in uncontrollable situations. Instead of setting large goals, set smaller goals. Even a goal as simple as “Smile at X number of customers today” can help employees feel more in control. Implement team goals to encourage teamwork. When goals are met, offer small rewards like an ice cream party.
  • Check-in with your employees about non-work-related issues. Make sure employees know they are more than just their job role, but that you care about them as people.  
  • Encourage employees to keep a regular sleep schedule, eat healthy, exercise, and spend time outdoors. Limit social media usage and news coverage, as both can be stressors.

HRinDemand is offering free HR consultation to help businesses cope with the challenges that we are all facing. Please take advantage of the up-to-date information available on the HRinDemand blog, the FAQs section, and our valuable resources page. If you are unable to find the answers you need or merely need to talk, contact Melissa Marsh at 775-400-1322.

Bailey Cummins, PHR, is a member of the HRinDemand team, a human resources company in Reno, NV, offering expert guidance and easy-to-use tools to help small businesses with employment regulations, compliance, employee relations, and company growth.  


Society for Human Resource Management. (2020, April 30). It’s When, Not
If, Employees Will Feel the Stress of COVID-19.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2020, July 13). What Are the Signs of Burnout and How Can Supervisors Help Employees? https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-news/pages/what-are-the-signs-of-burnout-and-how-can-supervisors-help-employees.aspx

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