• (775) - 400 - 1322

  • info@hrindemand.com

  • 140 Washington Street, Suite #200

featured image showing a woman wearing a face mask

COVID-19 Response Plan

Nevada based businesses are now required to have a COVID-19 Response Plan. HRinDemand creates custom plans for $2,000. Please answer the questionnaire below and make a payment to get started. The plan will be delivered in 5 working days.

Custom COVID-19 Response & Preparedness Plan
This person will be responsible for COVID-19 issues and their impact at the workplace.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide your company logo so we can customize the documents.

Business Information | Policies

Please provide brief descriptions or upload a current policy or handbook that outlines your company policies
Select all that apply
Select all that apply