• (775) - 400 - 1322

  • info@hrindemand.com

  • 140 Washington Street, Suite #200

All posts by Melissa Marsh.

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Avoid Unintentional Missteps in the Hiring Process: Write a Great Job Description and Announcement

These days, it seems like everyone is hiring. As a business owner, you want to attract the best and there is a lot of competition to do just that. Aside from the rate of pay…

Be Who You Want to Hire

There are hundreds of job sites available to applicants. If you look at the hiring landscape from their perspective, you can understand that it is a daunting task to find a job even for the…
featured image entering the workplace after 50

Don’t Miss The Upcoming Community Education Class Taught by Our Very Own Melissa Marsh – Re-entering the Workforce After Age 50

Are you re-entering the workforce after age 50? A lot of individuals find themselves in this situation. Don’t despair! The labor market in Reno is exploding with growth which means there couldn’t be a better time…