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  • 140 Washington Street, Suite #200

All posts by Bailey Cummins.

featured image showing a businessman stressed out with his head down on the table. Crushed paper is surrounding him.

Managing Employee Burnout During These Unpredicted Times

Now in month 6 of a global pandemic, most employees- from entry-level to senior executives- are feeling stressed and burned out. Burnout, which is chronic, often occurs when there is no “end in sight” of…
featured image showing a graphic of a red umbrella protecting workers from the novel coronavirus infection

Can businesses be sued if employees catch COVID-19?

Can businesses be sued if employees catch COVID-19? Good question! A new proposal in the Nevada Legislature’s special session would allow businesses (excluding healthcare facilities) immunity from liability for death or injury due to COVID-19…
featured image blury photo of an outside beach party where people are not practicing social distancing

Should I Discipline an Employee Who Violates Social Distancing Outside the Workplace?

By now, employers and employees are getting the hang of social distancing at work. The CDC has issued a ton of guidance for workplace protocol as has OSHA.  Employers need to consider how best to…